062 842 61 61

Mo-Fr 8-12 and 14-17.30 h

Amazing, but it really works! The latest development in water technology allows ceramic balls to change the solubility and the pH of the water so that the laundry is clean even without detergent. Allergy sufferers can add freshness to the laundry by adding a lavender-soaked towel. We recommend 10 – 20% of the total quantity of detergent added to the machine.


  1. Place the washing ball in the washing drum
  2. Fill the laundry (separate white from colorful laundry)
  3. Set the washing machine to the desired program (max 30-40 °)
  4. Select the Eco wash program
  5. Use gall soap with stubborn stains
  6. For very hard water please use a water softener (for example vinegar essence)
  7. When using white laundry occasionally use a small amount of ecological bleaching agent

Store the washing ball dry and place it every 2 – 3 weeks for a few hours in the sun to regenerate. If your washing machine has an integrated dryer, remove the washball before drying.

Dare to skip the rinse circle. Your laundry is clean, why should you still be washed? To rinse out detergent residues? This is no longer necessary.

Tips & Tricks

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