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Environmental and health aspects

Environmental benefits

With a water ionizer at home, you can take a massive toll on the environment. On the one hand, you don’t have to waste any energy to haul glass or PET water bottles home to dispose them shortly after. On the other hand, the above-mentioned containers do not have to be produced, distributed and disposed of with great loss of energy.

Relieve the environment with a water ionizer and do something good for yourself and your family by drinking high-quality, filtered and ionized water.

A water ionizer pays for itself after just under two years. If you take into account the additional advantages from the possible uses of acidic water, it pays off much earlier. Ionized alkaline water is also known as Kangen Water.

Benefits for your health

Everyone is talking about microplastics. Unfortunately, this ambiguous statement is true in both variants. In 2016, more than 1 million PET bottles were sold per minute worldwide. A large part of this packaging is disposed of in the wild. As we are creative, a lot ends up in our food. It is also known that microplastics are consumed by drinking from PET bottles.

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