062 842 61 61

Mo-Fr 8-12 and 14-17.30 h

Hydrogen Booster - H2CAP

This new generation of devices enables hydrogen-enriched water to be produced. When drunk fresh, it supplies the body with energy that is otherwise obtained from food through a complex metabolism. Warning, this does not mean that you can do without conventional food if you drink this water. Excess hydrogen in the body destroys free radicals. These are pure oxygen atoms (O) that are not present in a compound (e.g. O, H2O). In his book on Free Radicals – How to Protect Your Health (ISBN-13: 978-3898830553) – by Dr. Müller Wohlfahrt describes how free radicals have a massive impact on cell metabolism and damage tissue and organs.

Our hydrogen booster is available in two versions. One with a PC028 thread, which is available in Switzerland at Evian and Vittel bottles, and the other with a PCO30 thread. This in a set with the matching bottle. There is a USB-C connection on the device. Both versions are delivered with a USB-A to USB-C cable. So you can also operate it mobile with a power bank or a suitable smartphone. Although small and light, it is one of the most powerful hydrogen boosters available and reaches 1’000 – 1’500 ppb (parts per billion or parts per billion).

HerstellerIconFarms Ltd., Korea
Leistung1000 – 1500 PPB (parts per Billion)
Masse37.2 Ø x 42.5 mm (H)
Gewicht53 g
Lieferumfangdeutsche Anleitung, Verbindungskabel für USB-C
Stromaufnahmemax. 4,5 W
Gehäuserostfreier Edelstahl SUS304

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