062 842 61 61

Mo-Fr 8-12 and 14-17.30 h


Karim Yehia-Aregger, CEO

energywater.ch is a branch of Culm Handels AG. For health reasons I became aware of alkaline water in 2011. Before that, we had a reverse osmosis device for three months at home. The RO water showed no health benefits at all. Just two weeks after drinking alkaline water me and my wifes hip pain disappeared. Out of pure conviction, I decided to include attractively priced water ionizers in our trading portfolio. Half a year after drinking alkaline water, a dark field microscopic examination of my blood showed how much had changed. Motorcycling has been one of my hobbies since 2015, which I rediscovered through my son. I went on some nice off-road tours with friends in Italy and Corsica.

Roswitha Yehia-Aregger, Administration, Geomatikerin EFZ

As a trained geomatist, I attach great importance to precise work. Of course, I was skeptical when my husband ordered a water ionizer. The experience in the more than seven years since then has been consistently positive. An advantage that should not be neglected is that you always have good water at home without tedious hauling. There is also no need to dispose of the PET bottles. The acidic water from the ionizer has already served us well. I still remember when I accidentally spilled boiling water on my feet. My husband immediately brought me a basin with acidic water. Suddenly the pain was reduced by 50%. My hobbies include cycling, hiking and reading.

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