062 842 61 61

Mo-Fr 8-12 and 14-17.30 h

Pure water filters without ionization

Polluted water

It is an utopia to believe that general environmental pollution leaves water out. Especially water, with its high solubility, takes a lot with it on its long journeys. Today, plastics are one of the greatest threats to our environment and find their way into almost all foods in the form of microplastics. Microplastics have even been found in bees and their honey.


Installation example with supplied water fitting – also possible via 3in1 water tap

Filtration is always a tightrope walk

How good is it to drink fully demineralized water, also known as distilled or reverse osmosis (RO) water? Opinions differ widely on this issue. Since I personally know people who have been doing this for several years, it probably doesn’t have any serious effects if you compensate for the mineral deprivation with this water. Myself and my family of 6 drank RO water for over three months. Apart from thirst at night, we didn’t experience any negative effects, but neither did we experience any positive ones. Afterwards we started with ionized water and experienced several positive health effects in a short time. For example, since I’ve been drinking this water, I have no more acidic belching (reflux).


Our water ionizers have a decisive advantage: Ultrafiltration. It leaves all the minerals in the water but removes everything else that is larger than 0.01 micrometer (µ). This includes all bacteria and viruses, because the smallest virus is 0.018µ in size. Bacteria are generally bigger. Our pure filter system “1TheFilter” also offers the great advantage of ultra-filtration and is inexpensive to purchase and maintain. With this you can be sure to drink clean water and not have to drag the water home. Also protecting the environment by reducing energy consumption and waste deposits. Because every type of packaging is more or less harmful to nature. 

Installation example

Filter cartridges for 1THEFILTER

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