062 842 61 61

Mo-Fr 8-12 and 14-17.30 h

Tritan Bottles

Food-safe plastic bottles in 0.5, 0.75 and 1 liter versions made of Tritan.

High stability makes them almost unbreakable and distinguishes them as well as their extremely light weight. The advantage of this reusable bottle is clearly in the everyday filling. The incredibly high proportion of plastic waste in your own household can thus be reduced to a minimum.

Life in our oceans is drowning in the plastic waste that people produce. You can help change that.

Your body will thank you too. Often, commercially available plastic bottles are not suitable for repeated filling and put a strain on the body due to the poor quality of the plastic used. Not so with these bottles, made of high-quality Tritan polycarbonate without harmful bisphenol A (BPA).

Tritan Bottles

In addition, they are absolutely odorless and suitable for any cup holder, such as in cars or on bicycles. The large neck diameter of the bottle is an enormous advantage when it comes to bottle cleaning. The Tritan bottles can be washed at up to 75 ° C. This means that they can also be cleaned in industrial dishwashers.

Available sizes: 0.5 liter, 0.75 liter or 1 liter.

For larger quantities, please ask for a non-binding offer.

Trinkwasserflaschen aus Tritan in 3 Grössen

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